National examination is the only one requirement of graduation for all of elementary school students, junior high school students, and senior high school students. In fact, every year, national exam get many pros and cons. But indonesia’s governance still believe that national axamination is the best solution that must be held to measure our students skill. At the pros view, by national exam, our students have to study hard to get the good mark. So, they will study seriously. But in yhe other point of view, many people have argument that national examination is not the only one requirement that our student have to complete for their graduation. The students study for three until six years, so it will be not locig if their graduation just determined by three days. But, even there are many pros and cons of national examinations, until now, our governance still use national examination to measure students’ measure their skill. Maybe, almost all of the students fell underpressure because of that. But, study hard is the best solution for them to face national examination.
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